Soylent envisions a world where every person can afford and access all the nutrition and calories they need.

We strive to make complete, sustainable nutrition accessible, appealing and affordable to all.

Impact Reports


We believe that access to nutrition is a human right and that no one should go hungry. We also believe that food companies have a…


We believe that technology can align with ingenuity to create supply chains and delivery systems that are good for both people…


We believe that all employers must create an environment where staff are respected for who they are, given access to complete…

Soylent puts sustainability first by ensuring our products have the lowest environmental impact of all protein shakes on the market.

Road to 2050


The first Soymilk factories open in the United States.

Road to 2050


Advancements in packaging and flavor technology make way for a better tasting dairy alternative

Road to 2050


Consumers push for more meat alternatives as a way to be sustainable.

Road to 2050


Mass advances in plant-based flavor profiles make non-dairy creamers mainstay in coffee shops across the country.

Road to 2050


Soylent uses food technology to create a better tasting, more affordable plant-based meal

Road to 2050


Soylent upgrades flavor technology and brings plant-based impact to a broader audiences.

Road to 2050


Soylent shakes outpace dairy-based protein shakes in U.S. Grocery.*

  • 57.4%

    Soylent has grown 57.4% over last year

  • 21%

    The general protein shake category only grew 21% in the same time.

Road to 2050


Wide adoption of plant-based alternatives will reduce consumers’ carbon footprint.

  • 1-2

    plant-based meals per day

  • 50%

    reduction in carbon footprint

Road to 2050


Moving from "no-kill" to "no-till" – food production not only does no harm to animals, but no longer harms the earth

  • 170,000

    170,000 pounds of CO2 per acre will be captured every 10 years with this technology.

  • 27%

    "No till" farming is 27% more profitable than conventional agriculture.

What's in Soylent?

The Soylent Story

A Simple Idea – Simplify Food, Make it Sustainable

Did you know?

Soy can improve soil health because it is a nitrogen fixing crop which means that it harbors bacteria that can use nitrogen from the atmosphere as fertilizer for the plant, greatly reducing the amount of fertilizer that must be used to grow soy compared to other non-legume crops.

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